Messin' 'Round The Old Mawn-Nonga-Heelah |
Oh, 'tis "Whiskey!, Rye Whiskey!, Rye Whiskey!!" I cry
THE OVERHOLT FAMILY whiskey business provides a great example
for understanding how the ndustry grew through the 1800's. And one reason
it's such a good example is that they weren't alone; they just happen to
be only one who went through all the stages and whose label can still be
found on rye whiskey today.
![]() But, like we said, there were others. Many others. Our expedition through the world of Old Monongahela now brings us to the point in time where American Rye Whiskey has become a world-class business. It is beginning to influence other whiskey makers' notions of what American whiskey should taste like. Rye whiskey produced in the east, where it doesn't take months to be marketed, is beginning to be aged in oak barrels anyway. And for years, not months. Because the demand is now for that flavor and that red-brown color. Thanks to, first the steamboat, then the railroad, transportation even from the western counties can now be measured in days instead of months. But the customers want two- to four-year-old, barrel aged whiskey, so the distillers are now aging their rye in warehouses intentionally. And that means, under measurements and controls. And that means better whiskey. By the 1840s people all over the world know what Old Monongahela is. It's different from "ordinary whiskey". It's reddish brown and has flavors in it that the local kind doesn't have. Flavors such as vanilla and tannin and leather and tobacco, all of which comes from the barrel the whiskey is aged in. The same situation is happening down-river in Kentucky. By the 1850s, Kentucky distillers are beginning to apply the same techniques to their particular style of maize, rye, and barley whiskey. And, like "Old Monongahela" became a descriptor claimed by distillers making that kind of whiskey, no matter where they were located, Old Bourbon would come to have a similar meaning in Kentucky. The 19th century really belonged to Monongahela, though. The product grew up all through the century, completely dominating the whiskey industry. Kentucky bourbon, which started its marketing growth about a decade later than in Pennsylvania, would probably have overtaken it except that the Kentucky distillers were devastated by the Civil War's annihilation of nearly all the transportation. Railroads were destroyed. River shipping was stopped. Even overland roads were wrecked. All as part of the war. None of that happened in Pittsburgh, or Philadelphia, or Baltimore. So the Monongahela Monarchy remained throughout that period. And while distillers in Kentucky and Tennessee were trying to recover, the distillers in the north were growing huge. Of course, the Kentucky and Tennessee distillers did catch up. And then came the real whammy... On the twentieth day of January, 1920, everything came to a screeching halt. The 18th Amendment brought National Prohibition and prohibition brought the Volstead Act. It was illegal to manufacture, transport, sell, and, at least in a defacto sense, even possess any product containing more than one half of one percent alcohol. To get a better idea of what effect this had, consider this... we look back, either in memory or in history, on a fourteen year period of terrible dysfunction. Looking forward in 1920 (and '21, '22, '23, etc) there was no reason to suspect it would end at all. The proudly declared goal of the temperance movement, which, as far as anyone knew, had been accomplished, was the banning of all alcohol in the United States FOREVER. And when it all was over, the Kentucky bourbon distillers began climbing out of the wreckage and began to heal. The distillers in Tennessee had been crushed even before Prohibition went national, and with the exception of two companies that been purchased by Kentucky distillers, not a single one ever came back. Pennsylvanians and Marylanders emerged from the debris, and some held on and grew. But only a few, and the combination of WWII and the anti-alcohol generation of the sixties did even those in.
So the twentieth century is Bourbon's. But the nineteenth is Monongahela's,
and there are more relics to uncover. Sam Thompson Pure Rye We visit in 2003
We've already visited the remains of the distillery Jonathan
Large and his son Henry ran near
West Mifflin, and now we're headed up the river a few miles to the Sam Thompson Distillery,
in West Brownsville.
Or is it in Brownsville?
Or is it in South Brownsville?
Oh, I see... I think. And we can just barely make out where the words "SAM THOMPSON DISTILLERY" may have once, long ago, been painted on the side facing the river. But all the photographs we've seen show the distillery next to "the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lock No. 5" on the river. Well, there is no lock here. So this can't be the place. That must be a warehouse separate from the distillery site, like many of the Kentucky distilleries we're familiar with. Back and forth we go again, and again we find a local resident and ask about Lock #5. This guy's younger than the fellow we met in Freeport. "Oh, sure," he says to us. "Yun's're on the wrong side of town. Ya gotta go uptuda light and then go owdda town that way. You'll see it". When John was a rotten teenager, he lived in a seaside tourist area. And like most of the other rotten teenagers he hung out with, when people would come by in their out-of-state cars and ask for directions... well, you get the idea. The area where we keep coming back to is the one from which we can see that old warehouse across the river. Brownsville, Pennsylvania is actually made up of three communities tied together by bridges. West Brownsville, across the river, is one. Downtown Brownsville, with its eerie sections of block after block of old abandoned pre-Civil War buildings and storefronts, is another.
And this area, known as Bridgeport, is the third. About fifteen or sixteen
blocks long and three blocks wide, the area is made up of small houses and
little commercial buildings, all arranged around Water Street. But the houses
aren't jammed together the way they often are in small Pennsylvania towns.
And did we say there weren't any mansions? WRONG!! There is indeed a mansion, and it's directly across the river from that Sam Thompson warehouse, and it's been converted into a fine restaurant and shops. And on the front the sign says, "Caileigh's Restaurant" and looks inviting. Especially since a larger sign reads, "The Thompson House". We think it's a great time to stop for lunch and to figure out whether those buildings over there are or aren't the Sam Thompson distillery, and how can we miss seeing something as obvious as a dam across the river.
Our waitress is a lovely young lady who would probably not be considered
old enough to carry the wine out to our table if we were dining in Ohio.
She knows nothing at all about the Sam Thompson distillery. Or about Lock
#5. Which, it later turns out, shouldn't be too surprising, since her
parents were probably toddlers when it was demolished by the Army Corps of
Engineers in the summer of 1967. And where was it? Well, look out the window
-- see that little playground park right in front you? Imagine a line between
that and the Thompson Distillery
warehouse. According to his grandson, Samuel J. Thompson, Sam (the elder) hadn't started out with the idea of distilling whiskey at all. In 1844 he acquired the first distillery at this site from a man who owed him money. He would have preferred being paid back, but the distillery was his only option. The story goes on that Sam, the new whiskeymaker told a friend that he had a distillery on his hands, and did not know what to do with it. There were many distilleries along the river in those days, and competition was so keen that there was not much money in the business for any of them. The friend old Thompson to make better whiskey than the others. He did make better whiskey, beginning in that year of 1844, and West Brownsville became known as the "Home of Sam Thompson's Old Monongahela Rye."
In the pictures can be seen two large warehouses next to one another, and
third large building that was Ward Supply Company, even back then. There
are also other, smaller buildings. The Ward Supply Company still stands,
as does the warehouse on the right. That was Sam Thompson Distillery Bonded
Warehouse No. 4. The warehouse that was between them is gone, replaced by
another commercial building about half as high. It looks like it was
built in the late 1950s or early '60s. That building, too, is closed. There
is another building which is used as the business office for the Ward Supply
Company, but was the office of the government gauger and barreling line when
the distillery was in operation. Before that it was the Owens Tavern, and
pre-dated any of the other buildings.
Sam Thompson Monongahela Rye Whiskey emerged from
Prohibition and continued to be made and bottled deep into the second half
of the twentieth century. But not from West Brownsville. Purchased by
Schenley, the label adorned bottles of Allegheny rye made in Aladdin, and
even East Pennsylvania rye from PennCo (Michter's).
John Gibson's Son & Company
About halfway between West Brownsville and West Mifflin, we
find Belle Vernon, and what's left of the Gibson Distillery, which was
also known as Moore & Sinnott.
In 1856 John Gibson purchased over forty acres to build a distillery on the
east bank of the Monongahela River, across from where Charleroi is today
and just north of the Belle Vernon Bridge. In addition to using rye,
he also made whiskey from wheat and malt. Interestingly, we've found no reference
to corn (maize) being used at the Gibson distillery.
The cooper shop was where the barrels to hold the whiskey were made. The
records indicate that the barrels were made of oak and the wood was aged
three years before the barrel was assembled. The fact that they made their
own cooperage means there's a good chance that they were using new barrels
for at least some of their whiskey. We have not, however, found anything
to indicate that charring the inside of the
When John Gibson died, his son Henry C. Gibson formed a new company with
Andrew M. Moore and Joseph F. Sinnott.
Like West Overton, a thriving company community soon grew around the distillery. Known as Gibsonton, it was recognized with a U.S. post office in July of 1884. By 1893 there were over 150 houses in Gibsonton.
In 1920, the 18th Amendment brought the disgrace of national prohibition,
and the Gibson Distilling Company went bankrupt. On Tuesday, September 8,
1923, a sheriff's sale was held and when it was over nothing remained of
the distillery except the buildings.
The town of Gibsonton, like West Overton, no longer exists; at least there
isn't a post office there anymore. But unlike the Overholt's workers'
community, it isn't entirely a ghost town. There are about a dozen duplex
houses remaining along a road that is called either "Gibsonton" or just "Gibson",
depending on which sign you believe, and people live there. As an area of
Belle Vernon, Gibsonton shows up on some maps, but not others. And although
many people no longer remember Gibsonton, others do. Driving east on I-70
toward Belle Vernon, we turn off just before the bridge across the Monongahela
River and drive north along the west river bank a couple miles toward Charleroi.
The other side of the river is lined with industrial sites. Some are active
and others are only decaying remnants. We're pretty sure that the old Gibson
Distillery was located in this approximate area, and we pull into a convenience
store to ask if anyone knows where it might be.
There may be nothing left of Moore and Sinnott, the largest rye distillery ever, but the ruins of the second largest still dominate the tiny town where it continued to make fine rye whiskey as late as the mid 1960s. In fact, some of their rye whiskey may even have made its way into the Schenley-produced bottles of Sam Thompson. The distillery is also named "Sam", and so is the fascinating man who introduced it to us.
Sam Dillinger We visit in September 2004
I guess if Tommy Sienkevich hadn't hit the ball so hard,
back when men were walking on the moon, Frank Sinatra was doing it his
The first place we visit, sort of, is the one-time site of a distillery that once operated in Greensburg, just a few minutes up the road from New Stanton. Until the arrival of Prohibition, Greensburg Distilling made rye whiskey at a building along South Main Street. The first time we passed through this area it was too dark and rainy and late to see anything. This time we're able to visit it in the daytime, but unfortunately there isn't anything to visit. If it hadn't been for Sam Komlenic's research we'd have never guessed a distillery had ever existed here. The site, a much newer set of buildings at the foot of Green Street, now contains the offices of the Westmoreland County Blind Association, with an industrial fuel & solvent company in the back. What had probably been the mill creek now flows across the property in a concrete trough, and there is an old, three-story brick building way in the back that might once have been a whiskey warehouse, but there's no way to tell. Otherwise, there is no longer any trace of this distillery.
Sam Dillinger
distillery, which was also known as the
Ruffsdale Distillery,
is quite another story.
Dillinger, who was born in Westmoreland county October 28, 1810, was the eldest child of Daniel and Mary (Myers) Dillinger.
As a young man he worked at Martin
Stauffer's mill and distillery, near Jacob's Creek. He may have learned to
distill rye whiskey there, but more importantly, he learned about the
business of distilling... and of marketing farm products. Around 1831 he and
his new bride, Sarah, bought their own farm near Alverton.
About 1850 he purchased a custom grist
mill in nearby West Bethany, and soon added a distillery, both of which he
operated successfully for about thirty years. In 1881 they were entirely
destroyed by fire, and a new distillery was built just on the other side of
the ridge, at Ruff’s Dale.
And liquor dealers. Among their customers was the Rosenbloom family, who operated a well-established liquor dealership in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, now part of Pittsburgh's North Side. Among their house bottlings was Rosenbloom’s Oak Leaf Pure Rye Whiskey, which may have been produced by Dillinger. They would play an important role in the reincarnation of the distillery. In 1889 a sudden illness ended Sam
Dillinger's life.
In his 1937 edition
of "The Liquor Industry: A Survey of its History, Manufacture, Problems
of Control and Importance", published by Ruffsdale Distilling Co., Morris
Victor Rosenbloom thanks numerous influences on his project, including “my
father, Alfred A. Rosenbloom, Treasurer of the Ruffsdale Distilling Company,
and my uncle, Israel Rosenbloom, President.” Young Morris,
however, didn't follow his father and uncle into the beverage alcohol
Sam Komlenic has a letter from sometime just after repeal
which is signed by Allan M. Rosenbloom, Vice-President. Sam also
speculates that the company may have become Dillinger Distilleries,
Inc. when ownership was obtained by interests in Meadville, Pennsylvania.
It is known that they were operating as such by 1941. Ruffsdale Distilling
had offices and a blending plant in Braddock and later, offices in
Another well-known brand that became part of the Ruffsdale
portfolio was Thos. Moore, produced before Prohibition in McKeesport, a town
at the confluence of the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers.
By the time the distillery finally closed in 1966, they were making a dizzying array of products and brands. Rye, bourbon, corn, blended, and spirit whiskies were part of the portfolio under names like Old Westmoreland (resurrected from Fry & Mathias), Dillinger 60, Old Jolly, Mellow, Look, Mild, Farmer Sam, Rider’s Club, Paddock Club, Light, and Bedford Club. In addition, Dillinger appears to have been a major producer of whiskey for wholesale trade, supplying whiskey to larger companies for proprietary labeling or blending. Sam Komlenic's collection includes some papers from 1949-1950, which represent...
An interesting note here: Sam mentions papers involving both
a request for samples of not-quite-3-year-old whiskey by Joseph Seagram's &
Sons and a transfer of 7,000 gallons of (presumably) finished bourbon
whiskey (assumed to be over four years old) to an address on Blockdale
Avenue in Cheswick.
But it's 2004 now, and as we drive among the ridges
along Highway 31 we see the tall concrete smokestack miles before we arrive
in Ruff’s Dale. There can be no doubt that there is (or at least was) a
distillery here. Past Schaeffer's store and up Church Street to where
Dillinger Drive meets the railroad tracks, and there it is.
His name is Daryl Shoaf and his uncle owns the real estate company and this site. Daryl is here today for a periodic check and to pick up a couple of tools needed at another site. He’s not accustomed to being stopped by strangers on a sightseeing pilgrimage who beg him to let them in and show them around. And no one would have been prepared for the amount of Sam’s knowledge and familiarity. Let’s face it, your normal group of thieves trying to case a potential burglary target rarely bothers to memorize the company’s annual production figures from 1944. So after several minutes of exposure to Sam’s old-home stories and name-and-place-dropping, and “whatever happen to ol’…?”, and “Y’remember that bar out past where the old gas station used to be?”, Daryl comes to the conclusion that we're all right… well, at least Sam's all right and that's good enough. He lets us come in through the gate, and then proceeds to escort us on a grand tour of Dillinger Distilling (also known as Ruffsdale Distilleries) It's not just the grounds outside that
have been cleaned up. As we enter a building, John is at first surprised
that it isn't dark and dingy. Well, not dark anyway.
There is, of course, no equipment here. Not even rusty junk. All of that was removed decades ago. But as we proceed throughout the enormous vacant rooms, with most of the yellow ceramic tile still clinging to the walls, we can see, in Sam's words, the outline of the distilling process: here is a steam line headed for the bottom of the column still openings; over there the boiler placements near the stack; the door to the laboratory; some offices. Here's a washroom, with a urinal that might even be worth something to an antique dealer. The toilet won't be, though. It's been blown to smithereens. "Kids with M-80's," suggests Daryl. He points at some spray-painted graffiti on the wall as evidence. "I do what I can, but they'll always
find a way to break in. See here where they got in through this window?
"Guess I'll have to put something up to keep 'em off the roof," Daryl notes in his mental to-do book. "That roof isn't safe to walk on and I sure wouldn't want anyone to get hurt." The poison ivy, he says, was left in place purposely because it discourages kids from climbing wherever it exists. The ivy loves it. Huge arms of it reach in through the broken window glass four stories up and extend inside for yards along the ceiling. Comparing the distillery as it was in
1966 with photos of the original, Sam points out where some of the old
building, located in the rear, seems to have been incorporated into the
upgrades made in the early 1940s and since.
Right, Sam. A real "fixer-upper", huh? We say goodbye to Daryl and head back toward where we're staying tonight in West Mifflin. As we cross the railroad tracks we pass a group of young boys with baseball gloves, just standing around. They seem to be looking for someone to come back with a recovered ball.
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Story and original photography copyright © 2003-2004 by John F. Lipman. All rights reserved. |